Auteur: ymorin

Mine Pump Lake
Niogold (Nb, REE) Niobium?
Position GPS approximative 47.448059082, long: -75.3287887573

Près du Lac Lesueur, municipalité du Lac-Oscar, MRC Antoine-Labelle, Laurentides, Québec, Canada

Lac Pump

Transaction NioGold

REE: rare earth elements
The Pump Lake property is located approximately 200km SE of Val-d’Or and 100km north of Mont-Laurier, in the Upper Laurentides region of Quebec, and consists of 324 mining claims covering 18,630 hectares. Both projects are easily accessible by gravel roads and encompass large multi-phase alkaline-carbonatite intrusive complexes. Carbonatites are exploited for a wide variety of metals and minerals such as rare earth elements (REE), niobium-tantalum (Nb‑Ta), zirconium-hafnium (Zr‑Hf), iron-titanium-vanadium (Fe‑Ti‑V), uranium-thorium (U‑Th) and industrial minerals including apatite as a source of phosphate (P) for fertilizer.